Monday, April 9, 2018

My Experience in Teaching

Three months ago, OMEC called me to work as a Math teacher for grades 5 and 7 in the place of another teacher who left the school. I was happy that I had the chance to teach and have some experience so I agreed. I started teaching in January. But I found it hard to start teaching in the middle of the school year. Students were used to the previous teacher and grade 5 were sad at the beginning that they had a new teacher. Many times when I do something, they used to complain and tell me what the previous teacher used to do. By the time, students started to like me and now they never mention the previous teacher. When I had two months of teaching, the students made the second term exam. I was very happy and proud of the result because more than half of my students improved and got better scores than the first term. But I still have the problem of managing the classroom. I have tried different methods to manage my classroom but they did not work for many reasons; maybe because I am a young teacher, and I didn't teach them from the beginning of the year, and each class has around 30 students. But I never gave up, I'm still trying different strategies to attract all the students' attentions and reduce the noise in the classroom. Hopefully, I get a better result with the time and all of my students improve. 

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