In this page, I reflect on the concepts that I take in Educ560 Educational Media and Technology course.  

  • About Google Drive:

Google Drive facilitates our work and saves a lot of our time. It also saves us from the risk of losing our data.

  • About Webinars:
I've never hearsd about webinars before this course. By webinars, you can watch conferences or seminars online from anywhere in the world. Most of them are free and easy to register. Let us always register and benefit from webinars.

  • About Blogger:
In this course, we are using blogs for educational topics. Although we are assigned to post, but at the same time blogging is enjoyable like other social media.

  • About Google Forms:
With Google Forms, we can make online tests for students. We can control so many options. For example, in certain forms, students can get an immediate feedback by knowing their scores directly when they finish their tests which is effective for the students. 

  • About Scientific Posters
By designing a poster for a certain topic, we should consider the organization and flow of ideas and the overall appearance of the poster so that it attracts the audience and sends them a clear message. In addition, in a poster, we should list our points in a summarized way rather than filling it with paragraphs and texts.

  • About Rubistar:
I've been asked to design rubrics in previous courses. I spent a lot of time to design a rubric the first time. Now, with Rubistar, it is much easier. Rubistar designs online rubrics for different subjects and tasks and with so many elements. However, we can still modify those rubrics in case a specific element was missing.

  • About WebQuests:
As the picture indicates, the WebQuest is an online program that gives students lessons using a web. In this way, students will depend on heir selves and use technology in an effective way. Also we can use the WebQuests to design lessons that are interesting and enjoyable for the students.

  • About Padlets
Padelts allow students to express their thoughts on a blank page online. One of the good features of it is that students can make their posts interactive by sharing many ideas on one page. 

  • About ActiveInspire 
I would love to use ActiveInspire with my students if there were smart boards in the classroom. ActiveInspire has many tools that attract the students' attention, motivate them to participate and make them learn in both, an effective and a fun way. With its interesting tools, ActiveInspire can make 100% students inclusion in a classroom. 

1 comment:

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