Tuesday, April 10, 2018


It’s not all good times. Some days my students are just too much to handle. Here are a few quick examples that come to mind. My first day teaching brought on protests by the students because they didn’t want me to even be there. Students even gave me fake names out of sheer disrespect. Fighting frequently ensues after exams are returned. One student threatened me with her father because I asked her to leave class. Some days the students are so disruptive I can barely get through a sentence, let alone an entire lecture. You would think the classroom had turned into a barnyard. Some show no respect and scream, cry, and even beg for mercy if I attempt to ask them to leave. Even worse was the time I got reprimanded after a student was caught messing with a window during class. My fiancé has been upset with all the “unacceptable” things that keep on happening and has practically begged me to quit. Bottom line is: I love those children way too much to walk out on them and I will continue to support them no matter what.

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