Monday, February 26, 2018


I did not attend the first class of this course. The first time I attended Educ560, I did not like it and thought that it was going to be hard and that I would need a lot of practice and repetition. But now, I am enjoying it and I like that everything we learn we apply directly on a computer. Also, I have never learned most of the things that we are learning in this course, so now I wonder how interesting they are and how unfortunate it is that I had not benefited from them before. 


  1. I felt almost the same at the beginning but then enjoyed it! you'll be fine don't worry dear:)

  2. That's exactly what I felt too. Good thing we're getting the hang of it now! best of luck on the course :)

  3. I took a course with Mrs. Amal before and i enjoyed it. you will love it trust me :)

  4. I am happy to learn things I've never knew before. Most of the things that we are learning are new that make attending the course exciting. Good Luck dear!

  5. I had the same feeling at first but hopefully we will take lots of information to use in our

  6. I hope things are getting better now, and in general courses Mrs. Amal are nice

  7. I totally agree with you ghiwa it's an interesting course that is far away from math and physics. Good luck and hope you enjoy it more and more :D

  8. This course is very exciting because we are going to apply rather than receiving information only.

  9. To apply what you learn directly is something like an interesting thing because you will never feel bored anytime and this course is something like that.Each level in this life will teach us something, and our level here is to learn those apps and how we apply them, so don't unfortunate that you did not benefit from them before, you will use them and benefit from them in your job later Inshallah.Good luck my dear

  10. Having this course is very important, since our life is always improving so we need to be engaged in technology. Hope to enjoy this course!

  11. I felt almost the same at the beginning. But now I am enjoying it more because I am learning things I've never knew before.
    Good Luck !


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